Police raided an unauthorized Slaughter house in Auto Nagar
The police due to political pressure was delaying and trying to Manuplate the Investigation even an FIR was not lodged, people have been complaining about this slaughter house but the Government officers have turned a blind eye due to political pressure
Today Morning Kiran Jadhav along with his team of Karyakartyas protested in front of the slaughter house and pressurized the police to take in two neutral witnesses to have an unbiased investigation and inquiry by the police.
Before Kiran Jadhav reached the spot the police did not even allow the media to get coverage of the slaughter house. Kiran Jadhav facilitated the media teams in coverage of the raided place,
According to the public disclosure by Municipality in 2014-2015 Belgaum did not have a single slaughter house in the city limits and the recent information shows there are more than 8 unauthorized slaughter houses in the city, the campaign to identify them and take proper action has started.
Today if Kiran Jadhav and his team had not reached the spot and pressurized for fair inquiry this case too would have been just a file.